How to scan your invoices to e-conomic using the e-conomic app
We have made a guide for you here that shows how to scan your invoices to e-conomic using the e-conomic app. It is very helpful for us when you scan your invoices since we can store all invoices digitally inside e-conomic.

Step 1: Install the e-conomic app on your phone
Start by downloading the e-conomic app to your phone:
Download the e-conomic app for iPhone here
Download the e-conomic app for Smartphone here
Step 2: Place your invoice on a flat surface with good lightning
Step 3: Open the e-conomic app on your phone and log in
After having downloaded the e-conomic app then log in using your login credentials to e-conomic.
If you have not yet received these login details by mail before, then please ask your accountant for the login details.
It is only needed to log in once to the app.
Step 4: Go to the “Ny” menu
Click on the button “Ny” at the bottom menu which will bring you to this menu.
Step 5: Click “Udgift” and focus the camera on the invoice you want to scan and take a picture
Step 6: Add information about the invoice if you can
There are 2 types of invoices you can scan:
1: Smaller purchases – Type of scan to choose: Finansbilag
When we buy something in a café, pay for a taxi or make other smaller purchases, then we call the small paper invoice we get for a “receipt”.
If you have scanned a receipt then you can add information like:
NB: You do not have to fill out these fields, but if you feel confident doing so, we will save a little time afterwards when doing the entries in e-conomic. If you skip this part we will just allocate the data later for you.
Type – Here we use “Finansbilag” for receipts;
Date (Dato) – Write the date you made the purchase;
Amount (Beløb) – Write the total amount from the receipt including VAT;
Currency (Valuta) – Choose the currency of the purchase;
Note – Here you can add a note to the accountant which is not shown in the accounting;
Account (Konto) – This is the cost account relating to the small purchase. Search for the correct cost account in the list;
Contra account (Modkonto) – This is how the purchase was paid (bank, cash or from your private account f.ex.);
Text (Bogføringstekst) – Here you can write a text which will be shown in the accounting.
In this example the fields could be filled out like this – be aware there is a page 1 and page 2 (just swipe left/right and your will see all fields):
2: Supplier invoices – Type of scan to choose: “Leverandørfaktura”
If you have scanned a supplier invoice (these are invoices you receive for larger purchases from companies you often buy from), then you can choose the type “Leverandørfaktura”.
The fields are the same as before, just a few more are added:
NB: You do not have to fill out these fields, but if you feel confident doing so, we will save a little time afterwards when doing the entries in e-conomic. If you skip this part we will just allocate the data later for you.
Type – Here we use “Leverandørfaktura” for scanned invoices;
Date (Dato) – Write the invoice date as stated on the invoice;
Suppliers name (Leverandør) – Choose the correct supplier on the list. Create a new supplier by clicking “+”;
Invoice number (Fakturanr.) – Write the invoice number as stated on the invoice;
Amount (Beløb) – Write the total amount from the invoice including VAT;
Currency (Valuta) – Choose the currency of the purchase;
Note – Here you can add a note to the accountant which is not shown in the accounting;
Due date (Forfaldsdato) – Write when you have to pay the invoice as shown on the invoice;
Contra account (Modkonto) – This is the cost account relating to the invoice. Search for the correct cost account in the list;
Text (Bogføringstekst) – Here you can write a text which will be shown in the accounting.
Step 7: Click “Send” and you are done!
After you click “Send” we can see your invoice inside e-conomic and can start doing the accounting for you.
Learn more about e-conomic here
(Last update of this blog: 1.4.2024)